Ash Catton

PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology Student

Academic Work Experience

Academic teaching and tutoring positions held


Research Design & Statistics (PSYC206)

Private tutoring (2019)

Teaching (TA, TAC)

Abnormal Psychology (PSYC335)

Teaching Assistant Co-Ordinator (2021-23)

Undergraduate course on abnormal and clinical psychology.

Introductory Psychology - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition (PSYC105)

Teaching Assistant (2020)

Entry level undergraduate psychology course.

Personality (PSYC211)

Teaching Assistant (2019-20, 22)

Undergraduate course on personality psychology.


Honours Research Project (PSY470)

Supervisor (2022-3)

Supervisor of Honours level theses: - An Inclusive Paradigm of Measuring How Sexual Victimisation is Dealt With and Disclosed


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